Friday, March 7, 2008

Just a Report for #8

While at home, I've been researching sites to add to my reader account on my home computer. Here are a few of my recent subscriptions:

National Women's Business Council

Women Business Enterprise National Council

Small Business Association's specialty site for women-owned business

I've also added a gadget to my reader that will search for more blogs regarding women owned businesses. Having continuous, timely and broad information on this topic is very important to me. It's wonderful to discover how these "fun" tools can truly provide valuable resources!


McMillan said...

I will have to give Google Reader another trial run. I have been using Bloglines for about five years now so I am just so familiar with its features that I find it a little frustrating to start over with something new. Therefore, the first time I used Google's I couldn't get that into the interface. Since that is what we are trying with this program I will give it another comparison.

MaryElla said...

I may not have spent a great deal of time on Bloglines, so I may have missed some good things. But I have found Google Reader easy to work with, fast and a little more legible. I'll be interested to hear what you think!