Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Hurrier I Go, The Behinder I Get!

Wow! I didn't think I'd been out of town for quite this long. When I returned to Project 2.0 this morning, I realized just how far behind I'm getting.

I was in Tennessee for a few days visiting family. Then I came home for just long enough to pack another suitcase and grab a couple of hours' sleep before I was back at the airport. I'm home again after a nice week in sunny (well, only partly cloudy) Mexico ready to continue down the path to technological enlightenment. I guess I'd better stop writing about it and get moving!

See you in the blogs!

1 comment:

McMillan said...

As you have already demonstrated, many of the tasks do not have to take an extensive amount of time. It can be easy to catch up rather quickly.