Friday, April 11, 2008

Big Think vs. You Tube

I am so glad to have been introduced to Big Think! Within seconds of surfing around on it I was listening to Paul Muldoon discussing his creative process as he writes poetry, Deepak Chopra talking about what makes a happy life, and the editor of "Newsweek" trying to rationalize the rise of religious fundamentalism. This is so much more exciting and interesting than how many times Howard Ralley (whoever he may be) threw up or enjoyed intestinal distress while traveling in India -- which, unfortunately, was one of the first things I viewed on You Tube.

I have seen a number of You Tube videos that were forwarded to me by people who know better than I how to use it, and I've enjoyed those videos very much. Unfortunately, my own experience in trying to find material on You Tube reminded me that "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people." (In fairness, I have to say that other nations are involved in the idiocy as well. What dreck!) I did perform a You Tube search on Marymount and on a few other topics and found some interesting and creative videos on a variety of subjects. Once again I was reminded that good content is available, I just have to search for it. I just wish I could have avoided Mr. Ralley and many others of his ilk before I got to the good stuff. I know I'll go back at my leisure and explore more thoroughly, but this first impression certainly sticks in my mind!

My first impression of Big Think was "thank goodness." There is a great deal of material on the site and all of it that I took time with was stimulating and refreshing, even if it came from a point of view I do not agree with.

I do have to admit that Big Think made me think of Woody Allen's short story "The Whore of MENSA." In it Woody Allen plays the hero, a hard-nosed detective (played by himself a la Humphrey Bogart) who discovers an escort service where for a price you can pay an attractive woman to sit with you and discuss Dickens or Hawthorne. Proust is more expensive.


McMillan said...

I have also found some interesting content on Big Think and look forward to having some time to sit down and actually watch them. :)

MaryElla said...

So do I! There is so much great material here and so little time at the moment. It's nice to know it will be there when I have a little breathing space!