What has surprised me the most about this program is that it has reignited my curiosity. I didn't realize how stale I had become! Now I'm more interested to follow that link or try that mashup or search for sites or bookmark favorites online. I'm also not afraid to ask my neices and nephews what they're doing online and to let them show me the "new stuff." I thought I was doing well -- remember why I named this blog "Mezzanine"? I thought I had a good start on Web 2.0. Ha! As Will Rogers said, "Even if you're on the right track you'll get run over if you just sit there."
I think lessons I'll use most are the ones on RSS feeds, online productivity tools, wikis and bookmarking/tagging. I'll be inventing my job, for the most part, so I'll be doing a lot of research and designing my own processes. These applications will all be extremely useful. If I had stayed at Marymount after this week, I know I would have found uses for many of these tools in the Advisement and Transfer Center.
I loved the image generators and the Flickr tools, but I won't need them much except for fun. But I have to say that the "fun" sites inspired me to keep looking at each new lesson as an adventure. They kept me learning and they kept me refreshed and smiling.
I would wholeheartedly recommend that you repeat this program in professional development. I know that it has been the time element that has kept many from completing the tasks, but I think that time can be found in the weirdest places. It's worth it to persevere and continue to LEARN, especially when the world around us is moving on.
Thanks for providing this experience, these tools, and all the support that has encouraged me to take advantage of Web 2.0!